Saturday 29 January 2011

Wet Paint

Want a really easy effective costume? It doesn't matter what colour or type of horse you have (one with some white fur would be good) This is a really simple costume. All you need is some old clothes you can spatter in paint and some caution tape and signs
If you want you can used a water-based, non toxic washable paint, or some kind of kids craft paint works on your horse for splatters
Whatever you use i would suggest you test it on a SMALL patch for 48 hours before to check for any reactions to your horse. If in any doubt don't use it!
NB. I take no responsibility if someting you use has a bad effect as above if unsure don't use it!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Lady Gaga Papparazi

This is a costume from Lady Gaga's music video Papparazi. I don't think this was ever used in the final video but it's still a nice easy costume if you have a spotted or grey horse. Happy making

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Little Bo Peep

I Got sent this brliiant costume a while bacl, i have always wanted to try this costume but have never had time. Sorry it too so long to put up

I've Just seen your horse fancy dress site. Brilliant Idea. We entered a horse competition yesterday and came 1st. My Daughter May as Bo Peep and horse Nouvelle as the sheep. Hope you like it.